Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Princess Bean!!!

WOW - you are 2 years old!!!! How fast time has flown, but oh so much you have grown and shaped our world. You bring so much love and happiness to the house!

It doesn't seem like long ago I wrote This post. But looking back at it, it seems like a long time ago - you were scooting on the ground and just discovering your love for twigs and leaves. Now you are running to keep up with your brother, but still stopping to find the best stick in the bunch and carry it along!

You continually remind us that no two kids are the same - you are such an independent little girl and very different from your brother. You love stuffed animals and dollies - you give them hugs and proclaim "ahhh" each time. You have also started to wrap them in blankets and put them to bed - so cute! I just hope this means you are ready to be a big sister in June!

Your passion is music and dancing and are proud to show off these talents. A few months ago at the grocery store you sand Twinkle Twinkle for the check out person - all the words pretty much clear, and on tune (you do not get this from your mom). Everyone around you clapped when you were done! You are also registered for Music Together and love it every week. You stand and dance in the middle of the group playing instruments and singing the whole time. The best is when you go around the room and give the other moms hugs and sit on their laps!

I think your favourite person in the world right now is still your big brother! You play so well together (although there are still fights), and most of all you tolerate his need for taking your toys. On Tuesday and Thursday's when Little C goes to school, you love your alone time with daddy, but always welcome home your brother with a big hug.

You amaze us everyday with the variety and amount of food you consume each day - for a little girl just over 20 lbs you seem to eat so much. It is so hard for me to chose your favourites since you seem to eat everything, but a few include - Yogurt, Annie's Mac & Cheese, broccoli, pureed fruit, and cheese. One taste bud that has developed over the past year is your sweet tooth. Last summer you would not eat anything chocolate or sweet - but now..... You will devour cupcakes (mostly only the icing), jelly beans, and suckers. That said, texture is still a show stopper for you - fruit snacks are OUT!

I can't wait to see how you continue to grow - what new funny faces will you develop? What new funny phrases will you say?

We love you Princess Bean! Happy Birthday!

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