Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What are we up to?

It has been a while...

Colin Loves - PLAYING OUTSIDE!!!! Pappa!!!! He will see him across the street and repeatedly say Pappa Pappa Pappa. It is fun to see them play lots of hockey together.

Anna Loves - Feeding herself - no more spoon feeding for this BIG girl. She also loves to play outside and her favourite is to scoot around picking up all the sticks!!! Anna also loves most foods - she is loving asparagus right now!

Mama Loves - the summer weather (finally), running in the morning before work, our new deck and backyard - so pretty. We are also going to the farmer's market on the weekends which I love.

New Things around our house

  • Colin is liking to read books - I think this might be the first time in his life. The fun now is before bed, him and I go upstairs to my bed and read 2 books. His favourite is the doggy counting book, which I have to read at least 3 times each night.
  • Anna over the weekend started walking holding only one hand. She will walk beside you - especially if she has a stick in the other hand.

Toddler words

  • Anna - is expanding her vocabulary including HI; bye bye; thank you; ni ni. The thing that surprises me is that she does not have one dominant word. Colin said Ball all the time. Which also related to his love for balls....
  • Colin - loves to shorten all words. Funny words - "Colin, it is time for dinner, we are having pizza". "Yum za. I eat za". On another day - "Colin would you like some Raviolis"? No, no ravis today.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Almost there....

And finally, we have grass!!!!!

Two Kids and a Bucket

The introduction of buckets to the kids - they both had a blast!
The funniest part of the day was when Colin decided to squat over the bucket and go pee! Our neighbour said he will make a good fisherman!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Work in Progress

A few pics of our backyard. New retaining walls and plants (oh and lots of dirt).

Water Babies

This weekend we spent time at the cottage - it was great to hang out in the water once again.

Both love the cottage for many reasons. Here is a recap of Colin's favourites as he felt he had to say good bye to all his loves.... Bye bye water, see you later; bye bye park; bye bye bike; bye bye Doggies....

More photos to come..