It is amazing to see the date tracker on the blog.... Today it says 12 days to go! It is amazing to think that our new baby girl will be here so soon.
Part of me can not wait - I can't wait to see what she looks like and if she will be like Little C or Bean or a completely different personality..... Who will you be like? Who will you look like? We are slowly getting ready for you.....
Little C has been asking lately "When will the baby come?". He loves babies and likes to point them out when we are around town (especially if they are crying). When I ask if he wants a baby sister or brother - he always says baby sister. I can't wait to introduce this big brother to his new little sister!
Bean, I am not so confident she understands. She will point to my belly and say baby. She also loves to hug her animals (or babies as she calls them) and put them to bed. I just hope that she doesn't think that he baby sister will be animal looking.....
12 more days....