To my precious Baby Doll,
Just a year ago, you joined our world! We were planning on you arriving on June 12th. I had picked the day and made all the plans. We had Mama and Papa lined up to watch your brother and sister and then after you came home from the hospital Grandma Karen would arrive to help out. However, you had better plans….
On June 8th 2009, I went to work as usual to finish up a MAJOR presentation. I ended up coming home early due to a BAD cold and spent the late afternoon and early evening catching up on TV shows as Daddy took Little C and Bean to a play date and dinner. After they came home, I put Little C to bed and we talked about you arriving in a few days. Each night, Little C asked if tomorrow would be the day you would arrive…. His wish was about to arrive!
Just after tucking your brother and sister into bed, I felt a weird “twang” in my stomach and shortly after had to call Mama over to spend the night. We were going to hospital – you were not planning on sticking to our plans!
You are such an amazing sweet little girl. You look like both your brother and sister in certain ways, yet are very distinctly you. You have many traits of Little C’s personality – the bright smile with the bold laugh, the love of all things active, wanting to always be on the go. Your hair is a beautiful red, which brings compliments everywhere you go. You bring a smile to every stranger you meet!
You love to give kisses and hugs. Each day when I come home from work, you call for me (yell) until I pick you up (I am often intercepted by your brother and sister, which does not make you happy). Then you give me a big hug, cuddling your face into my neck. You love to talk and talk and talk. For the last few months you will play a game of mimicking sounds people say to you. Usually we will have rounds of “Errr” sounds back and forth.
You are a mommy’s girl for sure, and I love you for that. When you were first born and even the first few months, you didn’t even like to be held by daddy. You would holler and scream if I left you to daddy to help your brother and sister. Many people say you are an “extroverted” girl, I reply, only from the safety of mommy’s arms!
Right now, I think your favourite game is teasing your sister. Every time you approach your sister, she will squeal and you seemed to find this very funny. She says you are going to eat her toes….. and tells us to make you move away. You just keep coming back for more….
You have definitely inherited your daddy’s lungs. You are the loudest person in the house – although in some ways that is a good thing as you might be forgotten otherwise, right? When you want something, you put your vocal cords to work and usually get what you want, just because the noise is so loud. You have definite power in this small house…
Other things you love to do - go for walks, play ball (especially with Little C), swing on the swings, and anything with water. You are brave in the tub making tummy slides and heading straight for the faucet. You also love to feed yourself and will eat most things. I do not believe we have come across a food you will not eat! Your top favourites include Strawberries, muffins, waffles, pork, sweet potatoes & peas.
It is amazing to me that you joined our world a year ago. You bring us so much joy and happiness I can’t imagine our family without you. We are blessed to have you in our family, and look forward to watching you grow up. We are so blessed.
I love you lots and lots! Mommy.