Over the past 3 months, we have been in the process of applying for pre-K for Little C. It has been exhausting!!!
With multiple school visits, application forms, play/observation groups, psychological evaluation, phone calls and more information requests - the process has kept us busy.
That said, I received a message this morning saying that Little C's application is complete!
Now we wait.....and wait.....
Can Thursday come any quicker?
A place for me to reflect, cherish and share some fun and amazing things that happen in our everyday life.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Water Boy
Angel baby is not the only one that loves the water! In Florida, if given the chance I am sure Little C would have swam all day long.
One day, it was warm enough to be in the outside pool for longer than a brief dip. He swam for 4 hours straight. Eventually I had to leave with Bean and Baby for nap time and Little C stayed with Grandma. He eventually fell asleep on the lounge chair - so tired from swimming.
His biggest accomplishment - the waterslide. After a thousand runs, he was able to go down by himself and swim to the steps to go back up. On day 2, I no longer had to get in the water with him. Instead I took this video of him....

Nine Months Old

It amazes how fast time goes by... Angel baby is 9 months old and growing up very quickly.
She is a happy little girl who talks almost all the time. The game she loves to play is mimic your sounds. If you do raspberries, she will give you raspberries in return. So smart!

She is also starting to move more and more. Gone are the days when she is in the place you left her. She doesn't go far - yet..... Although she does get a little frustrated when everyone is running around her and cannot seem to move with them....

There is often the oops as well which doesn't make her so happy!

The latest stats....
Weight - 17 lbs 5 oz (25th percentile)
Height - 26.75 inches (25th percentile)
Head - 17.25 inches (50th percentile
Deric and I both thought she has developed a big belly and finally had a chunk - especially when Princess Bean weighed in at 18 lbs at 1 year! I had to pull up the records - her are Princess Bean's stats at 9 months. I guess Angel baby is not so chunky afterall! A postive note however is that Angel baby's head size is average unlike her siblings - which means finally one finally takes after me in that department!
Other interesting facts:
- Favourite food is Yogurt! Close seconds are fruits and sweet potatos. To convince her to eat veggies, they need to be mixed in with fruits.
- Loves to be sung to. Whenever she is a little fussy, Little C will often start to sing ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle, Angle baby quiet downs immediately. If you are holding her and music plays, she will dance in your arms.
- She is constant motion - dancing, moving, talking and playing. It is a wonder she wants to sleep at all!
- Loves the water. LOVES IT, LOVES IT LOVES IT!!!! Her favourite time of the day is bath time. She now bathes with her siblings and is often the first one in and the last one out.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Bean Style....
I wish I could take a picture of Princess Bean's style everyday. It is definitely unique and her! I love how she can find the perfect accessory or addition to every outfit. I am sure this skill will serve her well in the creativity department.

It definitly brings a laugh and smile to everyone we meet. You brighten our day!
It definitly brings a laugh and smile to everyone we meet. You brighten our day!
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