Tuesday, August 24, 2010

When I get big....

Little C LOVES trains - always has!

This past weekend, we decided to try the trolley rides - what fun. What I didn't know was that they give you a little history on the trolley and show you how they work. Well, this was just the thing for Little C. Midway through the ride, he had to get a seat closer to the conductor and started to ask questions. He was in dream land.....

Princess Bean and Baby Doll loved it too - yet for very different reasons. Princess Bean loved to visit with Grandma K and Baby Doll visited everyone on the train!

On the way home, here was the conversation...
Grandma K - Was the trolley ride special? Did you like learning about it?
Little C - yeah, it was great.
Little C (after thinking a little) - when I look like mommy and daddy, I want to be a driver person too.
Grandma K - you want to drive everyone around?
Little C - yes, that's a great idea for me.

Splash Pad!

The Splash pad has been a recent find for us - and we LOVE IT!!!!! Every weekend the kids ask to go, and since they have such a good time and there is lots of shade for us parents, we go. ALOT!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where do babies come from?

The other day, I was talking to a friend and Baby Doll was about 50 feet away from me. She heard me and started to call.

Little C walks by and here is the conversation that follows

Little C - "That is Baby Doll, she is my sister"
My friend - "you have a very nice sister"
Little C - "yeah, we got her from the doctor"
Me - "oh, did you pick her up at the doctor?"
Little C - "No mommy, you picked her out at the doctor"

Okay then.... mystery solved!