We had a Great holiday this year. So much fun with Little C understanding more about what to expect. Many, many memories were created and a fun time by all.
The morning started with Princess Bean waking up early and playing with her stroller from Santa until the rest of the house woke up. At 7:30 am, I finally went into Little C's room and got him exclaiming "Santa Came!" "Santa Came"! That got him moving. The first thing he saw was a Thomas the train book - and he was in love!
Here is our mantle on Christmas morning. Believe it or not - the stocking was the least interesting thing to uncover! Presents were much more fun.

Princess Bean has also discovered her love for the outdoors - she loves her boots and will even wear her mitts now. She loved the snow so much she started crawling through it - something her brother will never do! Now, only if the kids would wear snow pants....
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