Every year we make a trip to Canada to spend a weekend at the cottage with friends. The group has grown from a group of single people to all married couples with 2 or 3 kids. This is a weekend I look forward to all year - time to spend quality time with my family, time to reconnect with my Canadian friends, time to see the beauty of Northern Ontario, and a special chance to see the connection between all our amazing children! I love it....
This year there are 10 kids under the age of 7. They get along fabulously and are very busy creating games and activities all day long. The playground is the creative, the hot tub is a place to play house (Pierson is Grandpa), and the favourite food is puppy chow and chips!
Little C is loving hanging out with his new friends. He is having trouble remembering every one's names, so he simply says "I go play with my friends". Princess Bean tries to keep up, yet maintains her distance and creates her own games.
Mr Pete keeps us busy.... and Little C has taken to following him around so he can partake in all the activities too. He loves to go on the boat and the jet ski. He even went tubing with me - the first kid to go!
Here is Little C and Miss Kim on the jet ski....
And the breakfast table - with so much activity... this is a hungry group to feed!
Us parents are already wondering what will happen in about 10 years from now - will the kids want to come up all by themselves? Will they want to still come? Will there be kissing? I think parental supervision might still be called for - what do you think?
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