Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas! It was a fun morning! Here are some snapshots....

Colin was playing train (as normal) and could not believe that anything in the boxes could be better than that. So he unwrapped presents while playing train! Then, the car race set came out and the train has been forgotten (for now).

Anna, however, was more fascinated

by the paper! But we finally did
discover the present inside and laughed at her new toy as well.

As a note - only one present for the kids today - we will open the others once the house renovations are done - mid January! We can't wait....

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Anna and Colin corner....

Was thinking this morning how blessed we are to have 2 children - and how different yet similar they are.... Anna continually reminds us that Colin is not the norm, and we need not treat her the same way.

Ways Anna is different than Colin
  • Colin was sensitive to milk protein, Anna is not - Yo Baby rocks!!!!
  • Anna likes to taste her food with her tongue before eating, Colin would open his mouth as wide as possible on the first bite.
  • Anna can sit with toys around her and entertain herself - Colin needed others to keep him entertained.
  • Colin has the biggest laugh and laughs often (sometimes at nothing); with Anna you have to work a little harder for a laugh.
  • Anna has hair at the ripe old age of 6 months!

Ways we are similar

  • We both love music
  • Our favourite toy is the ball popper
  • Furbulls are soooo funny - especially from daddy and his facial hair.
  • We both look like MOMMY!!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gifts - the new indoor gym....

Yesterday, a few presents from Auntie Chrissy arrived.
Colin immediately decided that one was a chair and
insisted that he and Anna sit on them - interesting.
Then the presents became an obstacle course - Colin would walk along side them, jump over them, and use them as a balance beam. This was great entertainment for Colin, Anna and mommy and lasted for over 20 minutes!!
Thanks Auntie Chrissy for the indoor gym!

Friday, December 21, 2007

A New Tradition

With the holidays starting, we have been talking about traditions. For me, it is all about fun memories and doing things as a family. Deric has a different opinion and is more in favour of happy times.

So take last night - temperatures were finally above freezing and I really wanted to bring Colin to Holidazzle knowing that he would love the parade and all the lights. But Anna wasn't feeling the greatest and Colin did not have the best nap - Deric did not want to go, but I did. So, what happens - I pack up Colin and start heading downtown.

We get there without too much trouble, but then the waiting begins..... Colin starts crying because I won't let him run up and down the streets, and I am ignoring him which makes him even more mad. A nice mom eventually lets us sit on her blanket (pity....), and Colin continues to cry. Then the parade starts and he was sooooo excited. Every float was a train to him and he loved all the music and expecially the drums.

The funniest part was when it was over - I said "All Done", and Colin said "No - more". So the traditions have started and hopefully the memory will be positive for all involved next year!