Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What are we up to?

Update on life...

Here is what we are up to

Colin Loves - playing outside, anything outside. He has mastered his tricycle and loves to ride it up and down the driveway.

Anna Loves - Her new kitchen toys (pie plate, pie server, Bundt pan). She carries them all over the house. She also loves to be outside, although gets a little mad when we don't let her play on the ground. Can't wait until we have grass.

Momma Loves - just finished another Jodi Picoult book "Perfect Match", looking forward to the next one. I also just found out that I will need to travel to Europe (Geneva most likely) for work - looking forward to that. My favourite time of the day is after bath time - Colin, Anna and I always play in our bedroom - rolling on the floor, giggling - being together!

Food Loves - both kids love pasta with vodka sauce - favourites are spinach stuffed Ravioli and tortellini from Costco. They also both love pancakes which we make every Sunday morning.

Words in the house - Anna is now saying Hi, Bye, and uh oh.... Colin's funnies talk - Deric and I were talking, and Colin asked me to go into the next room. I said to Deric just to come with us. Colin says "Daddy no out", pushes him out the door and shuts it. Then he opened the door, says "Thank you daddy", and shuts the door again! LOL

Have a good week!

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